These days, I’m spending more time at home, reflecting back on what I’ve gone through in the past two months. You know how we are having great time in our lives and we are just riding along, enjoying life; and all of suddenly, You get hit with unexpected? That’s what happened to me. I will never forget the day I was called into the office and was given a layoff notification. That was the worst feeling anyone can have. My heart sank. I didn’t feel good. It took me few days to finally accept that I no longer had a job with Lockheed Martin. Through all of this, I have come to a realization- I am so focused on trying to find a job, and I forgot to depend on God. I forgot to let God take care of this messy situation for me. So many times when we are faced with a situation, God is trying to tell us something. I think in my case, He is trying to tell me to place my faith in him and let him take care of this for me.
I always thought that my friends would always be there for me, no matter what. Well, I found out a lot about what kind of friends I had. You see, in my opinion, true friends will always be there for you, no matter what.and an opportunities opens the door, You will find who’s there for you and who’s not there for you. Keep that in mind, Jesus was abandoned by those to whom he was closest.
I had a crisis, and found that people I counted on let me down. The good part is that I found true friends in places I never expected. To those who were there from me from the beginning and continue to do so, thank you. You guys were my rock, and gave me encouraging words. I have faith that I will have a new job soon, and when I do…. I will take my true friends out to dinner.
God understands our prayers even when we can't find the words to say them. ~Author Unknown