Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Saying GoodByes

Looking back to the time we shared
And here I am wondering if it was all real to me
Looking back to that moment where I realized
What I felt for you was true
My heart was full of love for you
So in all, we tired,
But we've come to the end of the road
So,I'm saying GoodByes...
You gave me strength
You gave me courage
You gave me life
You gave me the wings I need to fly
You've found your happiness
So I'm saying Good byes...
All the lies you told
All the hurt you've caused
All the game you played
All the trust I had gone
So I'm saying Good byes..
I've tried and cried
And died inside by the rules i did abide
But without subtlety
Lies from those that despise
Brought forth my demise
Think not that i am broken
Butt rather the experience has made me wise
So I'm saying Good byes...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is Christmas

My earliest memory of Christmas is me, at three or four, sleeping in my room on Christmas Eve. Just before I nodded off, my mother told me a Christmas story about Joseph, Mary and the birth of Christ.  I fell asleep in her arm and the next morning, I woke up and Santa Claus had brought me my first Nintendo system and the games that came with it. I was probably seven or eight at that time. I was so elated that I ran to my parent and gave them the biggest hugs anyone could ask for. If I asked you to stop reading for a minute and think about the best Christmas gift that you ever received, there is a good chance that you will think of something that made you happy and it doesn't have to be the expensive gifts. 

Looking back, I realized that the best thing about Christmas is that we have an opportunity to experience that special feeling, that feeling where we cherish the memories and feelings of Christmas with family and friends.  What defines Christmas is the kinder heart of people who are generous and more forgiving during this time of the year and it is a rare opportunity where everything get to be perfect for one day, because it is perfect time to remember our blessings. Christmas is bigger than anything, because we get to celebrate the birth of Christ.  The reason we have Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Christ. If we did not have Christ, we would not have, a forever life. Merry Christmas everyone and be blessed.  


Jeremy Tuck