Monday, January 3, 2011

Every woman needs...

A woman needs...

needs a real man, who can ... who will support her talent instead of tear her down. 

 needs a man who doesn't mind sharing her with  his computer because he knows whatever success she achieve from my goals that she do will eventually benefit him.

needs a man to understand her passion for life and she knows he will support her no matter what. 

 needs a man who understands when she is focused on something important, knows that he might as well hang it up if he wanted something from her. Although sometimes a woman will amaze him, when she drop what I'm doing and see what he wants or sometimes take a break, get a "whopping release" from him - which we all  have done before and not even realized it. "Oh my Lord, it's four in the morning already," is a very familiar phrase.(Yeah, that's TMI)

need a man who will understand that  her house will never look like the Brady Brunch unless he employees a maid or do it himself.

need a man who will know she can cook, she just choose to do it three times out the week and two of them might consist of a well put together Banquet meal and a pot pie from the microwave.

need a man to know that there's a meaning to her madness, but if he just waits for the end product it will make sense.

need a man to know that she have a father already who will move mountains for me, a job that takes care of her benefits and pays the necessary bills, and a retirement built up that will make sure she do not need anything financially once she decide to stop working, but needs a man who will want to make her unbelievably out of her mind happy, who will be the rock she need to lean on, and the one who she can be vulnerable with, becauseit's hard work being the strong black woman all the time 24/7. And that's very rare to see that these day.

need a man who can find his own hobby and not sit around twiddling his thumbs and constantly asking me, "what are we doing tonight"


need a man who will kiss  her tired fingers, bring her an Lemon Sweet Tea when he knows She's dead tired, and can't do anything.

need a man who will run her a hot bath, with candles burning with Barry White playing in background, giving her a bath, and then drying her off with a towel, and put her to bed, doing it because he knows she've had a hard day.

needs a man who will stare into her eyes, and tell her that everything is going to be okay, and kisses her on forehead and all of sudden the world just got better.

needs a man who not only showers her with gifts, but showers with love, affection and hugs.

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